



A/T + Home Ambiance

Your floor is the canvas and soundtrack of your home. We all intuitively understand the concept of “home” and how it provides us with a sense of comfort and calm.

It’s a space that reflects our unique selves and serves as a sanctuary from the hassles and stress of our busy lives. Recent studies in neuroarchitecture indicate that several factors, including the way a home is decorated and organized, can drastically affect our mood, both positively and negatively, due to the way they impact our sensory experiences. To put it simply: if lacking proper intention, our home decor can be a source of distraction, rather than inspiration, in our lives.

This isn’t really a novel concept. We all know that a bright wall color can liven up a room and make us feel more energetic. Or, conversely, how a dimly lit room with no windows can make us feel sluggish and tired. We recognize that a comfy sofa and a soft blanket can make us feel cozy and relaxed, while a cluttered, disorganized closet can cause anxiety.

If you’re not the type to be convinced by sentiment, there’s an extensive amount of research that’s been conducted on this very topic. One case study on the KonMari Method of tidying up provides overwhelmingly positive results, as Japanese decluttering expert, teacher and author Marie Kondo discusses in her book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. Kondo’s theories on how the organization and design of living spaces impacts a person’s life have taken much of the world by storm and her proprietary course that teaches people how to tidy up properly has a backlog of eager clients. Furthermore, Intentional Design and Neuroarchitecture have become the prevailing philosophies of those studying and practicing interior design.

But, what does this have to do with flooring? A lot, actually.

Not only is flooring an element of design, it’s literally foundational to the overall aesthetic of your home. At Anderson Tuftex, we like to think of the floor as a canvas upon which all other home decor is showcased to create your unique, artfully crafted living spaces.

So, how can the floors in those spaces affect your mood? Let’s focus briefly on three sensory experiences: sight, sound and touch, and how our floors can employ these senses to either inspire or distract us.

The first one is the most obvious. A beautiful hardwood entryway and staircase can have a striking visual impact as you enter your home. The natural character of the wood is reminiscent of the natural beauty of the outdoors and can have a calming or even rejuvenating effect on our senses. Similarly, a timeless carpet pattern can enhance the visual appeal of a room and bring a sense of elegance and style to a space. When our senses are confronted with these pleasing sights, it makes an impression on how we feel about a particular space.

Next, let’s focus on sound. Most of us notice how sound affects our mood when confronted with unwanted noise, like the sound of feet running back and forth upstairs while you’re trying to concentrate. Considering how the sound emitted by your choice of flooring may affect your mood is all part of intentional design.

Today’s trend of incorporating more hard surfaces into the home can often create a soundtrack for your life that you aren’t particularly fond of. Luckily, at Anderson Tuftex we know the beauty of a skillfully placed rug featuring one of our timeless patterns. Not only will it add to the visual appeal of your decor, carpet or rugs in high-traffic areas can help dampen unwanted sounds throughout your home to create a more peaceful and relaxing environment.

What’s more, a soft carpet can provide for a more comfortable walk across the floor in bare feet, which leads us to our final topic.


This one also seems fairly obvious: a soft carpet feels better underfoot than a hard, cold floor, right? Although, acceptance of this reality isn’t affecting the way flooring sales are trending. So, to better understand the complexity of this sensory experience, consider the following example:

Most of us have experienced the pleasure of walking barefoot on the beach: the cool and firmly packed sand along the water's edge that softens with each ebb and flow of the tide and conforms to our every step, leaving an impression of our footprints behind us.

The pleasing effect of this sensory experience beneath our feet is something most of us can identify with. Yet, it is something we all likely fail to consider when thinking of the flooring in our own home that we walk on every day. One reason this example is particularly compelling is that it recognizes the positive sensation we get from the contrast of the hard and soft sand as we walk across it. The experience of walking across the floor of your home should not be different.

A thoughtfully-chosen collection of hard and soft surface flooring products can enhance the look, ambiance and overall comfort of your home. When shopping for new floors, be sure to make intentional decisions about the floors you choose for each space in your home for a positive impact on your senses and, therefore, your mood.

Marie Kondo ends a chapter of her instructional book by stating, “The true goal should be to establish the lifestyle you want most once your house has been put in order.” At Anderson Tuftex, our goal is to provide you with floors that convey the lifestyle you want most.

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